Junk Food is NOT Food, It is Junk
Marketing can be a powerful tool. How so? Well, just think about it. Because of marketing, the masses can be fooled into believing things are good for you that are really not, setting the stage for pharmaceutical companies to come in.
This is how the processed/ junk food industry operates. By using persuasive marketing strategies, they can convince millions to purchase their goods, which are far from being good for you.
At their core, they are anti-natural being so highly processed that the ingredients they originally come from are no more.
The fact is, Junk food is NOT FOOD, it is just junk.
Here are more reasons why junk and processed foods should be considered anti-natural:
They Are Loaded With Sodium
Much of the sodium we consume on a daily basis does not come from real whole food, but rather the processed foods that we consume every day. There are so many foods that contain excessive sodium that you are unlikely to realize it. For example, maybe you don’t have a natural taste liking for such “salty foods”, but love sweet. That soda you may be consuming is also loaded with a sodium derivative, even though you can’t taste it. Such are the hidden dangers of processed food.
While it’s important to watch where your sodium comes from, LC Foods would like to note that sodium itself isn’t bad. In fact, on a low carb diet you may need to find more natural ways to boost your sodium levels like with bone broth. If you experience headaches or “keto flu” symptoms when starting your diet this may be a sign you need increase your sodium intake as a lack of sodium and water can be the causes of these symptoms. Read more here.
They Are Made Heavily Of Simple Sugars
If you rely on processed foods for “nourishment”, you aren’t really getting that. You may notice that while using junk for sustenance, you are more frequently constipated, which is due to lack of complex carbs and fiber. Simple carbohydrates just enter the blood stream and are speedily absorbed, disrupting blood sugar levels in the process. Natural foods consist of more complex, low GI carbs, and have fiber to help promote digestive health and regularity.
Processed Foods Contain Artificial Fats
If you think all fats are bad, you are dead wrong. In fact, natural fats are ALL good for us, and even essential. The ones that have been given all the bad rap are mainly Trans fats, a modified variety of an oil that allows it to remain solid at room temperature. Oils are usually liquid at room temperature. This kind of fat is highly pro-inflammatory, meaning that it promotes scenarios leading to increased inflammatory processes once consumed.
Inflammation speeds up aging, and contributes to many of our chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
Many Processed Foods Contain Anti-Nutrients
Did you know that white potato is considered an anti-nutrient? Yes, white potato is known as an anti-nutrient, in the sense that it inhibits absorption of other nutrients, bringing down the nutritional value of the entire meal. And guess what? White potatoes are a favorite inclusion in processed food. White potato is cheap, and arguably tastier than sweet potatoes, making them perfect to increase profits of big brand junk food companies.
Preservatives And Additives Found In Junk/ Fast Food Is Killing You
No food is meant to be kept for months without spoilage, or rancidity occurring, so why can processed foods be kept? You can thank additives and preservatives, which are basically chemicals that artificially extend the life of foods. Are they helpful? Sometimes, definitely. But more often than not, they are a hazard to your health.
Even though many are “safe” in very, very low concentrations and approved for human consumption by the FDA, they are frequently used in amounts far exceeding their safe limit, and consumed much more often than occasionally.
While we can’t fully blame the FDA for approving these chemicals, we each need to use common sense and realize they’re not to be consumed as frequently as we’ve all become accustomed to.
Processed foods are the furthest thing from natural regardless of what the claim. Let’s not forget many are GMO produced, which raise another set of ethical questions when it comes to consumption. The verdict is clear, eat whole foods, closest to its original source.
** LC Foods wants to remind you to always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or lifestyle change. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.