Hello, my name is Glen, owner of LC Foods and this is my story and the beginnings of our company.
I can start by saying that after leaving the Air Force as a disabled veteran in 1981, I began to increase in weight more and more without being able to stop it. I tried dieting and exercise and eventually like many people, lost hope in my ability to have any kind of weight management in my life. I became settled in the fact that I would be heavy, in fact obese, for the rest of my life. Along the way, I began to experience many side effects from my weight condition including sleep apnea, high blood pressure, sore joints and back problems, to name just a few.
In the late 80's, I created a food company in New England focusing on low fat snacks. We had low fat cookies, low fat pretzels, and low fat candy coated popcorns in many flavors. Consumers loved our products and the business was very successful. It is safe to say, this food company with all of its focus on low fat, which was the craze of the 80's, did nothing for my weight problem. I ate low fat with no effect.
After leaving the north and this low fat foods business behind, I continued my struggle in weight control. My blood pressure was getting higher, my knees were hurting more and even popping under the load of my ever increasing weight, and my feet were constantly killing me. I had reached a weight of 375 lbs. I was now in a size 48 waist pants and a 5XL tee shirt. Boy, was I miserable and hopeless. I was hungry all the time and found my best comfort in food, but the more I ate the more miserable I became - a vicious cycle. I had no answers and no solutions, and just like many others felt unable to be the captain of my own destiny.
The LC Foods business started with an idea to create new flour blends as a cornerstone of the company. We wanted to provide the consumer with true replacement low carb flours that people need for home baking - a spoon for spoon replacement for high carb flours, so people can make their own breads, crackers, rolls, pies, pizza, cakes, cookies, and whatever they wanted to create. This undertaking became so involved and technical that it alone took over 1½ years in development to make the blends perfect. Next was the low carb milk and low carb sugar replacements.
We insisted on quality ingredients and a good tasting end product, not cardboard or saw dust. People have had that before and we were not going to settle for that. You don't know how many times I wanted to hang it up and give it up, but I pressed on. My wife, Elise was a big encouragement to me as well as my primary taste tester!
I want to help people struggling with their weight like I was, people who need help with their diabetes, people trying to eat a low carb healthy lifestyle without the food resources. I want to bring back the satisfaction and enjoyment of food and eating again, without the constant addition of simple carbohydrates that hurt our nutrition so much.
I have now personally lost 115 lbs and I go on cruise ships, eat at buffets, and enjoy larger portions sometimes. I know the secrets of how not to store fat on my body, and have built these discoveries into the LC-Brand® of products. I have developed these products for myself, my family and for you to enjoy. Now you can live and eat, so life is not a constant weight struggle or blood sugar struggle from one meal to the next. Now there is hope for the diabetic, hope for the overweight person, and help for the low carb and healthy eater missing their breads, sweets, potatoes, ice cream & milk.
Elise & I thank you for your support of LC Foods Company. We look forward to serving your low carb needs.
Glen & Elise - LC Foods Company • Raleigh, NC